Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Unofficial Challenge

Sunday morning I walked into my second class of the weekend and the one teacher looked up from signing me in and asked with a little smile if I was doing a 30 day challenge.  

‘Um…um…Officially?’ I asked.  ‘Sort of. Unofficially.   Yes, unofficial.   I’m going out of town next weekend though and I’m going to miss Saturday so that kind of screws things up….so I was just kind of unofficially doing one since I don’t know if you can make up a missed one during a challenge.’

I did know that you could make up a missed class by doing a double (and I had two doubles down already—one was the day before I had hip problems and missed a day and the other last week was just for fun with a friend and was a ‘spare’) based on what I had read on other yoga blogs but I didn’t know what was my studios official stance on missing a day or two during a challenge.   The teacher told me that it was okay to miss a day here or there during a challenge because sometimes life got in the way and it was unavoidable but it could be ‘made up’ by doing a double.   Also, she said, it shouldn’t happen more than twice in 30 days.

Awesome!  That means that one day I missed due to severe pain was made up already since I did a double the day before I missed a class.   I’m going out of town this Friday and won’t be home until Sunday around midday.  Already, I had planned to take my usual six am Friday class and was going to bump up my ten am Sunday class to one of the late afternoon classes but there wasn’t anyway I could manage Saturday’s from the next state over!  I don’t think  you need to do the double the day before or the day after the missed day (and if so that rule wasn’t explained to me) so I’m going to do a double today to ‘make up’ this Saturday’s class.

That means I’m at 21 classes right now and after this afternoon I’ll be at 22!  Only eight more to go!   I think I’m going to say I’m officially unofficially doing a 30 day Welcome Back to Bikram Yoga Challenge.